Thursday, July 18, 2013

Captain ram and Sergent Up

Hey Lego fans I back to write about two minfigs I customized. The duo are called Sergent Up and Captain ram.I customized them personally and made them so each of them are unique. Okay now for some back story! Sergent Up and Captain ram were a legend back in the clone wars. But as the years go bye and the republic turns into the empire, the two remained at the top of their game. But of course they changed their armor into the newer, more advance armor. Also their gear changed to more advance weaponry and backpacks. So that's all for today fans. Good blogging!
Sergent up Captain ram
(left) (right)

Tuesday, April 30, 2013

My Lego clone base!

Hey this is Courage back with another post about my creations.Mostly about my base this time.Okay as you see my front door opens like hatches.Next my my entire base.The clones have a shooting range to practice  with or without live fire training.The instructors are commando Ford and captain Matchstick.Also the clones who are firing is named Sky and commando Hydrant.Next I have a medical bay.C3-PO controls the bacta table that has commando Niner.Next to him is his partner commando Darman.Now we have the meeting area.It has a holo table and a holo projector.There, there is Jedi general David Karkoon, Obi Wan Kenobi and a retired but still active captain Rex.Last is their assortment of weaponry and helmet rack.Next to my base is my air field.We've got my CTAC (from my previous post), an armored assault hover craft (also from my previous post) and a standard speeder.R2-D2 is working hard on the *AAHC.Also This squad is called Shadow squad.Good Blogging!

*(Armored Assault Hover Craft)

The Clone Transport Air Carrier!

Hey Lego fans I'm back to post one of my creations.The Clone Transport Air Carrier or CTAC.It is piloted by a R7-D4 protocol droid.The transport can Carrie up to 4 people.It has twin blasters in front of the nose of the plane.Also twin engines that can hover with ease.The carrier has two pairs of head lights for night insertions.It can also Carrie a small hover craft.Wait until you see my next post!Good blogging!

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

The Turtle Tanker!

Hey Lego fans I'm back to write about the ship that was in episode 13 in the clone wars.But in Lego!The Turtle Tanker is also shown in episode 21 to the season premiere of season 3.Okay now on to the ship it self.The tanker is owned by Zygerrian slave traders so, there will be a lot of animals in cages.Those will be stickers or real Lego pieces.But the squid will be a little small because of the ship.It will look like any other giant squid.The mini figures will be Anakin and the new Ashoka.Also  Darts D'nar will be a mini fig.Well thats all I have to write fans.Good blogging!
The Turtle Tanker!

Friday, April 5, 2013

My Lego commando decal!

Hey Lego fans I'm back to write about a decal I made for my Lego 501st commando.It first has blue markings but I'll get to that.The decal has a blue fin for the helmet.Next of course is the light blue visor.On the chest plate is a blue V.It has blue markings on either side of his thigh plates and one blue line for each leg.The blue V continues back on the back plate.The little thermal detonator is blue, but has a white line in between it.On the shoulder plates there's blue lines.Well that's all I want to describe to you.Oh and feel free to use it!Good blogging!
My Lego commando decal

Saturday, March 23, 2013

Battle of Umbara!

Hey Lego fans I'm here today to honor the clones that fought in the Battle of Umbara.Allot of clones died in that battle,some from the battle,some from General Krell And some from brothers attacking brothers, Also from Krell.But one of them was Hardcase.His sacrifice was a win for the Republic.Fives, Jesse and Hardcase went in the Confederate ship in Umbaren star fighters and were easily spotted by some droids.Out numbered and out of plans, Hardcase makes his way to the engine room with a bomb and his last words were "Live to fight another day boys,live another day"BOOM!!!His brothers mourned his untimely death,as they celebrate their win.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Earhole on new captain Rex.

Hi Lego fans!I'm here  write about  a new ear hole on the new captain Rex.Lego needed to put that ear hole so that the people can make the captain  look like the one on tv.Really they shouldn't just make the helmet without ear holes.So that's all I have to write.Good blogging!
The Lego brand captain rex!


Saturday, March 16, 2013

New Lego Starwars Game!!!

Hey lego fans I'm back to write about a new lego star wars game.I'm writing this because the Lego Starwars the Clone Wars was only from season 1 to season 3.So I'm writing  to say the Lego company needs to make a new Lego Starwars game.The game will include new and old characters.Also new Star fighters like the Turtle Tanker and four mini figs can be unlocked by some code.Those will be Delta Squad!All the levels will be based on seasons 4 to 5.Thats all I have to write.I'll have new posts sometime this week or so.Good blogging!


Friday, March 15, 2013

Lego Delta Squad!

Hello again bloggers I'm here to write about Lego Delta Squad and how should they look like.First of all is Boss or known as RC-1138.His armor is basic commando gear.He has distinctive orange markings on his helmet and side of his shoulder and arm.Delta 38 as some call has four orange dots that stands for Sergent.Next is Sev or RC-1207.His amour has either blood marks or red paint marks.Delta 07 has a unique voice and wields a DC-17m rifle.Also there's Scorch or RC-1262.His armor is "scorched" from his training drills and has a yellow and gray armor paint.His DC blaster is customized heavy artillery.Sev and him have a close friendship and exchange jokes.Last but not least is Fixer or known as RC-1140.Delta 40 is best know for his excellent slicing skills.Fixer has green markings and wields a DC-17 blaster.Deltas 40, 07, 62 and 38 all have unique backpacks.Well thats all I've got to write bloggers.Good blogging! 
lego  delta  squad!!



The Duel!

Hi bloggers I'm back with a new post!This time it's about the duel with Obi wan, Darth maul, Savage and Ventress.If Lego is going to make this duel, I just want to point out how it should look like.First of all the set should have the Turtle Tanker,With the unlocking hull and cargo bay.Now on to the mini figs.First they should make mauls Grievous like legs and bare torso.His lightsaber should have only one blade.Next savage, well they don't really have to do anything.Also Obi wan should have his new robes.Finally Ventress has to have her bounty hunter clothes and her two lightsabers and the rest well you decide.Well that's all bloggers.
lego Darth maul!



Return of Commander Fox!

   Hey bloggers, I'm here to talk about Commander Fox's return! You might know him from Star Wars the Clone Wars series.So I want to talk about how he would look like. Well some might know the commander is already viewed in the Clone wars and I just want to say that when Lego makes Fox, they should make his awesome new armor.I'm talking about phase II. His new armor resembles the security guard of Coruscant.He wields two dc-17 blasters and occasionally a dc-15a rifle.Fox's helmet is very much like Commander Cody's with a visor, laser pointer and range finder.Finally Commander Fox wheres a kama that hold those blasters.So that about wraps up this blog.Goodbye and good blogging.                                                      
lego commander  Fox